Friday, February 1, 2013

.meet me.

I decided when I got married that I would start a "family" blog... ONE YEAR, ONE MONTH and FIVE DAYS LATER I'm FINALLY starting one, haha! ...I'm already having fun! My plan is to use this as somewhat of a "journal!" But, if someone who doesn't know me, or my kids kids run across this, I thought I might as well introduce myself!   


  1. I'm so excited you have a blog so I can keep up with your fun life! And I love your cute design!

    1. Thanks, Whitney! This blogging thing is kind of fun... I can't wait to get more into it! Let's talk about a really cute blog... YOURS! I just checked it out and I'm now "following" it :)

  2. I used to blog a lot, but then life got too busy for me. Have fun with your blog. It really is a good de-stresser. Here's my blog if you want to browse through it sometime. Love ya!!

    1. ...I just checked out your blog! It's SUPER cute :) I'm already enjoying starting up my blog, but feel REALLY FAR BEHIND... I need to do some catching up ASAP, haha!
